image by Pexels from Pixabay
If I ever thought getting older means getting wiser, then I have to report that it’s not happening, at least, not for me. Sometimes, I look at an old text book and wonder, did I once understand that stuff? In retrospect, I think I learned a little about taking exams, not always the same as understanding.
Wisdom has eluded me so far, but some memories remain. Well, shreds of memories, fading. For instance, there was a time when we all worked together to get rid of some Dictators and restore Democracy. Who remembers Victory Gardens, ration books, twenty-five cent stamps building up toward a War Bond? We watched for airplanes from tops of school buildings. We saved newspapers. When we could get bacon, we saved the grease for the War Effort.
People wiser than me, who have studied World History, are suggesting that we may now be moving toward a Dictatorship. Here are just a few of the signs. Government employees who tell the truth are fired or forced to resign. News media that report the truth are called Fake. Legal professors assure us that, if the President does it, it’s OK. Records are withheld; witnesses are restrained. Religious groups are persecuted. Hate crimes are tolerated. Reports of election hacking and voter suppression increase. Appointments are based on loyalty, not competence. Courts are pressured. Unwarranted and unauthorized military attacks occur. Leaders brag about their crimes. Criminals are pardoned. Gulags are created. World issues are ignored.
Need I go on?
Maybe some old memories should be revisited.
There was a time when we all worked together to get rid of some Dictators and restore Democracy.
If I ever thought getting older means getting wiser, then I have to report that it’s not happening, at least, not for me. Sometimes, I look at an old text book and wonder, did I once understand that stuff? In retrospect, I think I learned a little about taking exams, not always the same as understanding.
Wisdom has eluded me so far, but some memories remain. Well, shreds of memories, fading. For instance, there was a time when we all worked together to get rid of some Dictators and restore Democracy. Who remembers Victory Gardens, ration books, twenty-five cent stamps building up toward a War Bond? We watched for airplanes from tops of school buildings. We saved newspapers. When we could get bacon, we saved the grease for the War Effort.
People wiser than me, who have studied World History, are suggesting that we may now be moving toward a Dictatorship. Here are just a few of the signs. Government employees who tell the truth are fired or forced to resign. News media that report the truth are called Fake. Legal professors assure us that, if the President does it, it’s OK. Records are withheld; witnesses are restrained. Religious groups are persecuted. Hate crimes are tolerated. Reports of election hacking and voter suppression increase. Appointments are based on loyalty, not competence. Courts are pressured. Unwarranted and unauthorized military attacks occur. Leaders brag about their crimes. Criminals are pardoned. Gulags are created. World issues are ignored.
Need I go on?
Maybe some old memories should be revisited.
There was a time when we all worked together to get rid of some Dictators and restore Democracy.