Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay
Major Events of This Month
A Project Progress meeting was held to review the progress since the previous project progress meeting. The major impacts resulting from this meeting are:
- The subtask to evaluate the verification of the project milestones will be rescheduled.
- The impact of project progress meetings on overall productivity has been reviewed by the ad hoc committee leading to a recommendation for an increase in the time interval between progress meetings.
- A new User’s Manual has been prepared at the request of the sponsor with extra obfuscation added at critical points.
- The report of the subtask to review and evaluate software packages for Productivity Enhancement was presented. A total of 7 packages were evaluated. It was concluded that some of the packages could deliver significant results if correctly used in appropriate situations.
- The project was demonstrated after hours to the building maintenance staff. Reviews were mixed.
Events and Activities
- Progress continues at the usual rate.
- A module was added to the system to keep track of the number of modules in the system.
- The semi-automated caffeinated beverage synthesizer with user-friendly interface must be operated stepwise in the prescribed sequence in order to ensure that the delivered product meets appropriate standards and guidelines.
Milestones Achieved This Month
- The agreement between the actual expenditures and the progressively revised budget estimates has been improved.
- A new fourth-generation adhesive tape dispenser has been acquired and installed. Relevant staff members have attended classes on proper utilization and maintenance.
- A total of 1420 electronic mail messages have been sent or received – an increase of 11% over last month.
- The third review of the second draft of the Preliminary System Specification was initiated.
- Trip reports were completed.
Milestones Not Achieved This Month
- The subtask of revising the milestones was delayed due to clement weather.
- The final decision on representation of intermediate milestones by open triangles, dashed triangles, or closed triangles was postponed.
- Another attempt will be made to effectuate a semblance of methodological consistency in the overall organization of the interrelationships of the project components, modules, systems, subsystems, and factions.
Performance Of The Subcontractor
The performance of the subcontractor continues to be deleterious.